The remediation effort at Mount Polley is ongoing; however, we are very proud of the major milestones that have been completed to-date.
- Repair of lower Edney Creek, re-establishment of link to Quesnel Lake and installation of new fish habitat for spawners from Quesnel Lake, completed in spring 2015, with evidence of successful spawning by Interior Coho, Kokanee and Sockeye Salmon.
- Completion of construction of a new Hazeltine Creek channel in May 2015, to control erosion and provide base for remediation of the creek itself and the creek valley.
- Ongoing planting of native trees and shrubs in the riparian and upland areas along the creek, now totally more than 600,000 trees and shrubs planted.
- Installation of over 6 kilometres of new fish spawning and rearing habitat in upper to middle Hazeltine Creek. Evidence of successful 2018 and 2019 Rainbow trout spawning in upper Hazeltine Creek.
- Clean-up and repair of 400 metres of Quesnel Lake shoreline, including placement of new fish spawning gravels.
- Re-establishment of wetlands in the Polley Flats area adjacent to the repaired TSF.