A letter from the Mount Polley Team
Happy Spring everybody! Things at the mine are still moving along towards an operations phase. We have limited production pit mining occurring and are stockpiling materials in preparation for mill operations. Contractors form most of the workers on site, and we are actively recruiting talent for full scale operations. If you are interested in a career in mining, please contact us!
Mount Polley employees continue to take additional precautions to minimize the risks of COVID-19 transmission, however, many workplace restrictions have been rescinded.
Mount Polley Mine: Care and Maintenance Transition to Operations
Areas of focus as Mount Polley transitions from care and maintenance to operations:

Routine inspections from the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation have been taking place to ensure compliance with the relevant law and regulations. We have seen an increase in the inspection frequency associated with our restart activities.

Environmental Monitoring Update
Recent monitoring activities completed:
- Weekly Water Treatment Plant (‘WTP’) water quality sampling, including monthly & quarterly toxicity sampling
- Monthly water quality sampling at Hazeltine Creek
- Monthly & quarterly water quality sampling of surface & mine affected waters, including groundwater and mine seepage
- Flow monitoring from control drains
- Water quality sampling and monitoring of in pit treatment at Springer and Cariboo pits
- Monthly/quarterly site inspections including waste management
- Reporting – monthly, quarterly, and annual
- Comprehensive Environmental Monitoring Plan (‘CEMP’) development and revision
Environmental monitoring is conducted in accordance with the Environmental Management Act (‘EMA’) Permit 11678 and the approved Comprehensive Environmental Monitoring Plan (‘CEMP’) requirements.

MPMC Water Treatment Plant (WTP) Update
In Quarter 1 2022, the total treated water discharged to Quesnel Lake was ~1,387,770 mᵌ with an average daily discharge rate of ~.018 mᵌ/second and an average of ~15,420 mᵌ/day.
The plant operated continuously for most of Quarter 1 2021. Water quality samples were collected weekly at the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) influent (E19) and effluent (HAD-3) sites throughout the quarter. Routine toxicity testing is completed monthly.
A temporary mobile Veolia Actiflo water treatment plant has been commissioned and is operating in tandem with the main plant. The mobile plant was installed to increase daily throughput and assist in management of the current water inventory. The mobile plant is subject to the same regulatory requirements as the main plant and will be monitored routinely.
MPMC has applied to amend its Environmental Management Act permit 11678 to extend the discharge period to Quesnel Lake from 2022 to 2025. This is an interim measure while a broader set of amendment requests are being prepared to allow for further mine development. A future permit amendment application will request that the discharge period to Quesnel Lake be extended until the end of the mine life. This amendment process is being conducted jointly with both the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation.

Hazeltine and Edney Creek Remediation
Monitoring is ongoing and planning is underway for 2022 which includes elements that address fish, birds, mammal, vegetation, water, sediment, benthic and invertebrates and physical stability.
Tree and shrub planting as well as ground cover seeding is planned for May 2022. A total of ~ 113,000 seedlings are planned to be planted this spring. The target species include Douglas Fir, Lodgepole Pine, Spruce, Sitka Alder and Rose. The alder and rose seedlings were grown from locally collected seed.

Re-Start Update
We are hiring and are seeking approximately 355 employees when full scale production resumes. Currently, most workers are contractor employees and are not directly employed by MPMC.
Management is targeting to start the milling operations in the second quarter of 2022. The plant refurbishing activities by mechanical and electrical contractors was ongoing during the quarter. The crusher is operational and is providing stemming, road crush and TSF filter material. Crews are active in the grinding bay, flotation and dewatering areas getting the plant ready for operation. Mining operations began in November 2021 and by March 31, 2022, approximately 4.5 million tonnes had been mined in preparation for the restart of operations.
Part of our Mount Polley’s corporate commitment is to build and foster strong, mutually beneficial relationships with Indigenous communities through partnering in training, employment, environment management, socio-cultural awareness, business opportunities, and capacity investment.
Mount Polley Mining Corporation and the Williams Lake First Nation (the T’exelcemc) have signed a Revised Participation Agreement, renewing the Participation Agreement which was initially signed in December 2011 and updated in 2016. Imperial looks forward to working together to enhance Mount Polley, the T’exelcemc and the community.

MPMC Events
Quarter 2, 2022
- April 7, 2022: Public Liaison Committee Meeting
- May 4, 2022: Williams Lake First Nations Tour
Quarter 1, 2022
- January 19, 2022: Xatśūll Community Engagement Meeting
- January 27, 2022: Public Liaison Committee (PLC) Meeting via conference call
- March 17, 2022: Williams Lake First Nation Career Fair
- March 28, 2022: Community Engagement Meeting
BC Mine Information Page: https://mines.nrs.gov.bc.ca/
BC Ministry of Environment Natural Resource and Enforcement Database: https://a100.gov.bc.ca/pub/ocers/searchApproved.do?submitType=menu
Interested applicants may send their resume and cover letter to: hr@mountpolley.com
Any questions regarding the Community Update, please email Gabriel Holmes at gabriel.holmes@mountpolley.com