WLFN Elders Tour Remediated Sites at Mount Polley mine

In June, Mount Polley hosted a site tour for the Elders from the Williams Lake First Nation (WLFN). This visit showcased the collaborative efforts between Mount Polley and its consultants, Williams Lake First Nation, Xatśūll First Nation, and the Provincial and Federal governments, in the ongoing restoration and healing of the landscapes affected by the 2014 tailings storage facility breach.

The tour provided a firsthand look at the significant progress made in the remediated areas, particularly Hazeltine and Edney Creeks. These once-impacted sites have seen a return of wildlife, a testament to the successful reclamation efforts. The lush greenery, thriving Rainbow trout and Sockeye salmon populations in the creeks and the presence of various bird species all tell a story of renewal.

A highlight of the day included a ceremony and blessing conducted by WLFN’s Chief Willie Sellars and cultural leaders from the WLFN. This powerful moment celebrated the strong partnership between Mount Polley and WLFN, marking a new chapter as Mount Polley advances into a new phase of mining operations. The ceremony underscored the importance of cultural respect, environmental stewardship, and community collaboration.

This tour is part of our continuous dialogue with WLFN, which began with the signing of a participation agreement in 2012. An updated participation agreement is in place today, reflecting our continued intent to foster mutual respect and trust. Through these interactions, we listen to the concerns of the WLFN community, provide updates on developments, and work together to align our operations with the values of our Indigenous partners.

We are excited to share several short videos from the tour, capturing the essence of this memorable day. These videos highlight the beauty of the restored landscapes, the richness of wildlife returning to their habitats, and the profound connection between the land and the WLFN community.

Watch the videos below of moments from the WLFN Elders tour at Mount Polley:

As we move forward, we will work to further strengthen our partnership with WLFN under the principles of respect, transparency, and collaboration. Together, we are building a sustainable future for Mount Polley mine, our First Nation partners, and the surrounding communities.

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